Episode 17: Teaching Kids to Take Responsibility For Their Actions (and How to Have Other Hard Conversations)

We couldn't wrap up our first season without talking about one of the biggest lessons my mom instilled in her kids: taking responsibility for our actions. We all make mistakes, she'd tell us; that's just part of being human. What sets you apart is admitting your mistakes, sincerely apologizing, and doing better in the future. Today we're talking about why that's such an important lesson to teach children and how it will serve them throughout their lives. We're also touching on how to talk to your kids about complicated issues (warm, racism, privilege) in honest, but understandable ways. This conversation — like those hard talks we've had with our kids — can be awkward at times, but they're also super important. Listen now and share with us how you handle the toughest stuff with your children.

On Apple Podcasts now.


Episode 18: Manners Still Matter


Episode 16: Self Care Shouldn’t Stress You Out